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St. John's Wort Healing Salve - 4oz

What's in it:


Locally picked St. John's Wort wild herb, infused in extra virgin olive oil.

Sweet orange, Juniper, and Frankincense essential oil.

A small amount of zinc oxide.

Organic Beeswax from local bee store.


Suggested Use:

The St. John's Wort is mainly used topically for superior healing nerve pain, viral infections (herpes/shingles), burns, inflammation, and body pain. It also helps soothe dry and damaged skin, cracked hands and feet, sunburn, minor skin irritations, and rashes.


Sweet Orange, Frankincense, and Juniper all have many healing properties to add to the beneficial properties of this salve.


GMO-free. There is no crap in it.

St. John's Wort Healing Salve - 4oz

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